the dorbel daily

Wednesday 14 December 2011

More On "A Reader Asks..."

Timothy Chow has helpfully pointed out that Neil Kazaross recently updated his famous "Neil's Numbers" chart and for that you need to go to this.
That was a very exciting moment for me. I just worked out how to make a hyper-link!
Will I be learning the new values? I might, but the benefit of from doing so is very small, as the real problem in most cases is putting a sufficiently accurate figure on the position in the first place! The best method for getting to grips with the one above is to learn how to operate Walter Trice's Effective Pip Count. I could write it all out for you but best if you just go here.
The EPC won't entirely answer the position above for you, because it doesn't allow for White dancing and it doesn't include her chances of hitting a shot later. However, what it does do is to provide you with a method for comparing a home board with a home board and a straggler, when the actual pipcount is more or less meaningless. It's the AK-47 of the bg world. You won't often need it, but when you do, nothing else is half as comforting!
The promised 4-away, 2-away positions are in the pipeline and I may even write them later today, but for now, cooking lunch for mrs dorbel is more important.
However, I will take this opportunity to remind you of the annotated matches that I have for sale. The first is;
Mochizuki Masayuki v. Matvey Natanzon, a 13pt IIBGF Match.
Every important move analysed and commented on by me, with the approval of and some comments from both players. These are arguably the two best players inthe world right now.
The second is ;
Mochizuki Masayuki v. Carlo Melzi, a 13pt IIBGF Match.
Annotated as above.
Please order from dorbel(at)gmail(dot)com, $10 for either match. The file is ideal for Extremegammon, but please say if you use Gnu or Snowie and I will send you a suitable file.

Work in progress, Mochy v. Paul Weaver. A 13pt IIBGF match.

Until the next time, enjoy the game!

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